Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Marriage Prayer

I know lately my blog post have been more like blog quotes. I really do intend to start doing some of my own writing. I have thought of this blog of something like a journal of thoughts, memories, and stories that I would like to pass on to my children. I would like them to know what is important to me and near and dear to my heart.

I do love to post quotes here, because they are written by people who are more eloquent.
So here again I am quoting a prayer that someone forwarded to me by e-mail.

The Marriage Prayer:
68 words that could change the direction of your marriage

For Him
Father, I said, “Til death do us part.” I want to mean it. Help me love You more than her
and her more than anyone or anything else. Help me bring her into Your presence today. Make us one, like You are three in one. I want to hear her, cherish her, and serve her--
So she would love You more and we can bring You glory. Amen.

For Her
Father, I said, “Til death do us part.” I want to mean it. Help me love You more than him
and him more than anyone or anything else. Help me bring him into Your presence today. Make us one, like You are three in one. I want to hear him, support him, and serve him--
So he would love You more and we can bring You glory. Amen.

As heard on FamilyLife Today from the book, The Marriage Prayer: 68 words that could change the direction of your marriage by Patrick Morley and David Delk. © 2008 Moody Publishers

Saturday, December 18, 2010

On my birthday

I know this is a late post, but I actually have a lot of late post I hope to get caught up on here in the near future. I just wanted to to a little something on turning thirty. To start off, I am putting some pictures and a poem that I find appropriate for this birthday.

On this day I am thankful for a very special person in my life, my hubby, Timothy Carpenter. He is my best friend and best companion to share life with. I know neither of us are perfect and actually have a looong way to go before God's handy work is completed in us. But Tim is still the one I want to grow old with as we pray for the best that is yet to be.

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"
Look not thou down but up!
To uses of a cup,
The festal board, lamp's flash and trumpet's peal,
The new wine's foaming flow,
The Master's lips a-glow!
Thou, heaven's consummate cup, what need'st thou with earth's wheel?

But I need, now as then,
Thee, God, who mouldest men;
And since, not even while the whirl was worst,
Did I,--to the wheel of life
With shapes and colours rife,
Bound dizzily,--mistake my end, to slake Thy thirst:

So, take and use Thy work:
Amend what flaws may lurk,
What strain o' the stuff, what warpings past the aim!
My times be in Thy hand!
Perfect the cup as planned!
Let age approve of youth, and death complete the same!

Robert Browning (1812-1889)

photo credit: Seth Taylor Carpenter

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy News

We are happy to share the news of the new life that has begun in my womb. With many prayers we are expectantly awaiting the birth of a new baby sometime around July 8th, 2011. Please join us in prayer for we know that every baby is a miracle. -Rebeca

Due Date7/8/2011
Pregnancy Test10/28/2010
1st Heartbeat11/11/2010

Week 110/8/2010
Week 223/3/2011
Week 210/15/2010
Week 233/10/2011
Week 310/22/2010
Week 243/17/2011
Week 410/28/2010
Week 253/24/2011
Week 511/4/2010
Week 263/31/2011
Week 611/11/2010
Week 274/7/2011
Week 711/18/2010
Week 284/14/2011
Week 811/25/2010
Week 294/21/2011
Week 912/2/2010
Week 304/29/2011
Week 1012/9/2010
Week 315/6/2011
Week 1112/16/2010
Week 325/13/2011
Week 1212/23/2010
Week 335/20/2011
Week 1312/30/2010
Week 345/27/2011
Week 141/6/2011
Week 356/3/2011
Week 151/13/2011
Week 366/10/2011
Week 161/20/2011
Week 376/17/2011
Week 171/27/2011
Week 386/24/2011
Week 182/3/2011
Week 397/1/2011
Week 192/10/2011
Week 407/8/2011
Week 202/17/2011
Week 417/15/2011
Week 212/24/2011
Week 427/22/2011