Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year :) and busiest

Summer time is one of the crazies times for us as a family as our weeks are full of camp activities.  This year Tim, the best summer camp director I know, :) only had one week "off" this summer.

It is crazy to think that we technically only have 7 days left of camp.  Where did the summer go!!!!

Where did the year go?  August is just around the corner.  I feel like Seth just turned eight in September and now its about to be September again!! 

Summer has been good to us.  Our staff has been amazing.  Our camps have gone well.  Our kids have been busy having fun.  We have so much to be thankful for.  We thank our Lord and Savior for the opportunity to serve Him and share his love and his love letter with our campers this summer.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In love with learning at home

There are times where I am so glad we homeschool, and strangely enough it is usually when we are sitting at a table doing typical school work.  I of course love to see my kiddos working with a good attitude and surprising me with their skills at math or spelling a word right.  I do love that.  

I love days when I see the older "S" Kids are helping with the little "Aces," and I think that if they were in a typical 8 am - 3 pm they would be missing those times of bonding and learning how to care for little ones.

I love when one of my readers is reading to one of their siblings or taking the time to teach them something they know.

I love when Tim is home early and everyone runs to greet him and just all the time we get to spend together as a family.

I love the times when they get to play outside because it is a beautiful day and there is so much to explore and forts to build.

I love days out with family and friends just cause we can and because socialization is sooo important :)

I love that we can play with baby chicks and see kittens being born when your typical kid is stuck in a classroom.

There are times when it can be a little crazy and they are not really loving one another like I would like them to, and times when I am not loving them like I know I should, but I am glad for the time that I get to make it up.

We may not do book work as many hours as our counterparts but as long as we are learning to love God and love people then I count it as a good day of learning at home.

Was Jesus a snob who judged people?

Came across this image on Facebook, and had to comment.

This was my response

It is true that Jesus was called a friend of sinners by the religious men of his time. He showed kindness and forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery mentioned in John 7:53-8, still he did tell her to leave her life of sin.

Another time the lack of respect for a place of prayer and worship made Jesus angry as found in Mark 11:15-19. From getting my Bible out and checking up on that, I gather that Jesus was not a snob, but the most humble to the point that He died on the cross for people who struggle with sins including the sin of pride. I also see him as someone who did judge, though he judged perfectly as he could see the hearts of men.

While some people who call themselves "Christians" are not truly following Christ or allowing Christ to change them and use them, true Christians understand that they are recovering sinners in need of a savior. Some of us needing more recovery than others ;/

Sometimes people use the "don't judge me" card as an excuse to remain in their sins with no desire to change, when Jesus asks us to leave our life of sin. We all need to remember that there will be a day when we will all be judged before the throne of God and every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." 2 Cor. 5:10.

So while we should not be quick to throw the first stone, in love we need to be faithful to the gospel and warn people of the judgement to come.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Back at the blog

It has been over a year since I have posted on this blog, and while I did make a few posting on wordpress, I really sort of dropped the ball on blogging.  A few thing like having two more children have kept me off the blogosphere, but in some ways I will miss not having journal through those times.  The transition to wordpress was not great.  I guess it was okay and I did manage to learn how to get around, but there were some things that seemed easier on blogspot.  So needless to say, I am going to try to see if I can get back to blogging.  I am new to instagram and am enjoying documenting my life through pictures.  Well got to go, Aiden is crying :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Okay, so I am really getting frustrated with this here blog. I like to include pictures with every posting, but it is becoming impossible to upload pictures to blogger. Like I would really like to put a picture of my frustrated face on this posting, but it is just to frustrating to even try. If this problem does not get resolved I may have to shut this down and find another blog service. I feel sad to leave all these my old posts behind, but I may have to go on to bigger an better things. I'll let you know all my faithful readers :) what I decide.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How to Re-Paint Furniture from youtube

Saving this video for later use. I want to learn to re-paint furniture. This looks like a good tutorial. Love me some educational videos :)

Oh and here is a helpful article I found

How to Paint Without Leaving Brush Strokes

How to Paint Without Leaving Brush Strokesthumbnail
Paint Without Leaving Brush Strokes

I decided to paint my bookcase myself. But as I progressed I noticed a lot of thick brush strokes that wouldn't go away no matter how smooth I tried to make it. When the bookcase finally dried and I realized the brush strokes were here to stay, I decided to do a little research myself. I just could not figure out what I did wrong. I wanted that smooth finish that you see everyday. So here are a few tips to eliminate those unwanted brush strokes and get that smooth, even finish.

Moderately Challenging


things you'll need:

  • Paint Brush
  • Foam Roller
  • Floentrol/Penetrol
    • 1

      Relax. Most of the woodwork you will ever see is sprayed with a spray gun. So if your using a brush don't expect the same finish.

    • 2

      Buy a soft brush. There are only two different types of brushes out there. Brushes for stains, and brushes for paints. Most the them are made of nylon these days. Benjamin moore makes great brushes as well as that can be rinsed out and used over. Purdy also makes great brushes that are a little cheaper. Expect to spend around 10 on a good brush.

    • 3

      Choose your paint type. Most paints these day are all latex acrylic. Oil based paints are an old technology. Some paint stores don't even carry oil based paints these days. Different paint sheens can make a huge difference in the size of your brush strokes. Flat is your least likely followed buy Matte, satin/pearl, eggshell, semi gloss, and high gloss. Once you get to semi gloss it's almost impossible to paint without leaving brush strokes.

    • 4

      Add an additive to your paint. Thinning out the paint will take it longer to dry but during the drying process it will have more time to settle flat. Floentrol is one of the best thinners out there. Penotrol is it's counter part used for rare oil based paints. You mix about half of the bottle into a gallon of paint.

    • 5

      Brushing the paint on is the easy part. Long thick strokes going with the grain of the wood are best. Do not soak the brush. You only need to dip about an inch of the brush into the paint. Going any further will only result in unused paint dying on the brush before you can wash it out. When your done or in between coats, store your brush in the freezer. This will prevent the paint from drying into the brush for short periods of time.

Inspiring Titles :)

I previously mentioned blogging about Inspired Finds found. Here in my blog the translation for my postings are more like "Rebeca's Wish List" or you could call it "Hint, hint, Tim ;)"

A more Biblical approach I could take on my posting would come from the passage

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" Hebrews 10:24.

Let me explain how this fits in... So see as I write my wish list on this hear blog I am spurring my husband and other loving people to consider how they may show their love by giving some of these great gifts to their loved ones. I am encouraging deeds of love.

So you can take your pick on Titles for my upcoming Blog Posts...
Inspired finds from Inspiring Women/Rebeca's Wish List/Hint, hint Tim/The Hebrews 10:24 Blog

Hope you are feeling inspired today