Got this from one of the blogs I follow. I am working on planning our first girls leadership retreat at Hidden Acres. This is good stuff to share with the girls.
14 marks of a wise woman. She...
- Fears God, Proverbs 31:30.
- “Openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ,” Proverbs 31:26.
- Is content to be a “keeper at home,” Titus 2:5. (This doesn’t mean she never leaves her house, but her focus and the bulk of her attention is on her home and family.)
- Loves her husband and children, Titus 2:4.
- Is focused more on inward character than outward adornment, I Peter 3:3-4.
- Is modestly attired, I Timothy 2:9.
- Is trustworthy, Proverbs 31:11.
- Has a meek and quiet spirit, I Peter 3:4.
- Is industrious, Proverbs 31:13-27.
- Is giving, Proverbs 31:20, Luke 8:3.
- Is discreet, Titus 2:5. (“of a sound mind, sane, in one’s senses, curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate,”)
- Is chaste, Titus 2:5.(“exciting reverence, venerable, sacred, pure; pure from carnality, chaste, modest; pure from every fault, immaculate; clean”).
- Builds up instead of tearing down, Proverbs 14:1, Ephesians 4:29.
- Is praiseworthy, Proverbs 31:28-31.