Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Camps for Refugees At Hidden Acres

Here are a few snapshots from the 1st week of Hidden Acres Summer Camp for Refugees. We had a great two weeks of this already. Please keep us in your prayers as we go into our 3rd week of camps starting tomorrow. Our next camp is one for 40 inner city kids sponsored by Kiwanis Club in Pleasant Grove, Dallas, Texas.

From Tim's Journal 6/17/08

Last week was an incredible week of camps for refugees. I'm encouraged about the work at Hidden Acres when I think of stories like the one of a young man named Abdi. This young 14 year old was not going to be allowed to come to this camp because he was already going to be attending another camp. The leader thought it was unfair for for Abdi to go to two camps when there were others who couldn't even go to one. Abdi begged, and begged, and begged until eventually he was allowed to come. By the end of the week Abdi had accepted Christ into his heart. This story reminds me of the Caananite woman who begged Jesus to heal her daughter. The verse says, "she keeps crying out." She even knelt before Jesus and said, "Lord help me! Jesus replied"It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." to which she said, "even dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Jesus responded "you have great faith." Persistence. Seeking the truth. God had a purpose for Abdi to be at Hidden Acres for our 1st week of summer camp for refugee children.


Little Hassan, heart hard as stone, so angry, so disturbed, so hateful, yet I must remind myself that without Christ, I'm no more pure than he. I held him for a half hour while he struggled and fought my embrace. Then Coy held him for another hour or more all the while Hassan is using every expletive and hateful thing he could think of. The day was winding down and snack time was here. As Coy held him in the line, he continued to refuse the snack. My mom (who is volunteering her time at HA) mentioned the message from that day which happened to be about Jesus. My mom said, "Do you know Jesus loves you?" "I hate Jesus!" was his response. My mother then responded, "It doesn't matter how much you hate Jesus, He still loves you." She then sat down beside this young boy with anger in his eyes and asked, "would you take this snack?" Without looking at her, he took the snack. This story is more than just about a boy getting his snack. It's about the love of Christ breaking down the walls of hardened hearts. A seed was planted. Now we pray that God will grow the seeds.